911 investigations ? Frequently Asked Questions

What is 911 investigations ?
This website is a repository of public documents related to the september 11th 2001 attacks, the war on terrorism and the Afghanistan campaign (as direct aftermath of 9-11). At present it comprises 1381 documents , thematically sorted and indexed.
911 investigations is maintained by the Réseau Voltaire (www.reseauvoltaire.net).
What kind of documents are archived on this site ?
Documents produced by Public Administrations, Intergovernemental Organisations, Think Tanks, Research Institutes, NGOs on the subject. We also plan to carry university research papers once they are published. Generally speaking, 911 investigations' aim is to archive any document that contributes to revealing the factors, issues and responsabilities about the september 11th 2001 attacks.
Why archive these documents here ?
For two reasons. In the first place in order to be able to carry out transversal searches across the whole body of documents thanks to the included search engine. In the second place in order to ensure their safekeeping and persistance. Many of these documents will quickly be removed from their official servers, either for technical reasons (obsolency, archive space, etc) or deliberately in order to make them disappear. To counter this, they will always be accessible to researchers in the 911 investigations repository.
What is the agenda behind this repository ?
These documents have not been hand-picked or sorted in order to favor one interpretation of events or serve any propaganda. Quite the contrary is the case. The documents published on this website come from a maximum of different (and differing) sources in order to point out contradictory point of view and thus allow independent research to be carried out.
How can you contribute to this repository ?
Notify us of documents that you think should be included
If you know of a document that meets the inclusion criteria and that is not indexed in our base, please notify us by sending its references.
Publish your research on the 911 investigations website
If you carry out research on a subject related to the september 11th 2001 attacks, either in an education environment or for private reasons, send us your articles, papers and/or thesis so we can publish them online and make them accessible to other researchers.
